23 November 2010

Wear your galoshes

Greetings. This will be my first post on this blog as a fresh crop of meat, and I'm already mixing my metaphors. My name is Chris Monaghan (I have a somewhat funky picture to the right), and I'm a first-year masters student running the Masters Committee for Sustainable Development. It's been a wild few months since coming here on the first of September, and already my colleagues and I are arranging a Ted Talk event, designing career fairs, obtaining large pools of internships for students, and doing smaller events like documentary nights and coffee table discussions.

Jumping right in has been a great way to meet people, but sometimes things can get a bit hectic. Between social engagements, work for school, and work for the masters committee, not to mention some projects on the side, talking to family, and so on, sometimes you need some time just walking around and finding a way to clear your mind. Utrecht is a beautiful city in that regard and I hope anyone reading this blog is encouraged to relax by walking around the city. Bring music, a book, a notebook, and a camera, and see where a few hours take you.

Some pictures and more thoughts to come!

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